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Artists Call against Intervention, New York


Yo soy muerte I am dead

Yo soy muerte
I am dead
I am dead
We were tortured
We were murdered by the thousands upon thousands We are dead

Do any of you know about it?
I am dead
I was a baby
I was murdered in Las Aradas, El Salvador
By the Salvadorian soldiers and the Orden,
Aided by the Honduran soldiers on the other side of the Sumpul River It was a massive A mass massacre

A brutal blood bath
Believe it
The soldiers gathered us children and babies And threw us into the air
And slashed us to death with machetes
Some babies were decapitated
Bodies slit into pieces and thrown to the dogs

Others were thrown into the river to drown We are dead.

Did any of you know about us?
(not me) S A
Ronald Reagan and your Iran Contra Cadre National (top secret) security, you say?
What evil lurks behind your vile veil
Your clandestine claims?

You soy muerte I am dead
We are dead

Written for performance in: Artists Call Against US Intervention in Central America, New York City 1984